Thursday, 5 November 2015

NCERT Solutions for Class 11th: Ch 5 Rights

NCERT Solutions for Class 11th: Ch 5 Rights Political Science

Page No: 78


1. What are rights and why are they important? What are the bases on which claims to rights can be made?


Rights are those claims which are necessary for leading a life of respect and dignity. It is important because:
• It helps individuals to develop their talents and skills.
• It helps to develop one's capacity to reason.
• It gives individuals useful skills and enables us to make informed choices in life.
The bases on which claims to rights can be made are:
• They represent conditions that we collectively see as a source of self-respect and dignity
• They are necessary for our well-being.

2. On what grounds are some rights considered to be universal in nature? Identify three rights which you consider universal. Give reasons.


Some rights are considered to be universal in nature because they are important for all human beings
who live in society. Three universal rights are:
• Right to a livelihood is necessary for leading a life of respect and dignity.
• Right to education is universal because it helps to develop our capacity to reason, gives us useful
skills and enables us to make informed choices in life.
• Freedom of expression is important as it allows for the free expression of beliefs and opinions.

3. Discuss briefly some of the new rights claims which are being put forward in our country today — for example the rights of tribal peoples to protect their habitat and way of life, or the rights of children against bonded labour.


Some of the new rights claims which are being put forward in our country today are:
• The rights for tribal people: These people are dependent on forest and land for their livelihood since ancient times. They want no interference in their habitat and way of life which is going on in the name of modernisation. According to them their demands justified and essential for leading secure and respectful life.
• The rights of children against bonded labour: Childrens are future of the country so they must be free from any kind of exploitation or bonded labour.
• The right to education: Every child must have right to receive the basic education as it helps in the development of their potential.

4. Differentiate between political, economic and cultural rights. Give examples of each kind of right.


• Political rights give to the citizens the right to equality before law and the right to participate in the political process. For example: right to vote and elect representatives, the right to contest elections, the right to form political parties or join them.

• Economic rights give the citizens the right to their basic needs of food, shelter, clothes etc. For example: right to minimum wage.

• Culture rights give the citizens right to preserve their culture and its dignity. For Example: right
to establish institutions for teaching one’s language and culture.

5. Rights place some limits on the authority of the state. Explain with examples.


Rights place some limits on the authority of the state as it suggests what the state must refrain from doing. It places certain obligations upon the state to act in a certain way. For example if right suggests that the state can not simply arrest an individual at its own will. If it wishes to put an individual behind bars it must defend that action. It must give reasons for curtailing that individual liberty before a judicial court. This is why the police are required to produce an arrest warrant before taking any person away. Thus, rights  place certain constraints upon state actions.

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